Wednesday, December 19, 2007

How to reduce the number of programs which start automatically when I launch my computer.

For most people, all you need as you start your computer is your anti-virus software. To eliminate other automatic programs follow the following steps:

1. Click on the start button, go to "run".
2. Type in "msconfig" and hit enter (do not use quotation marks)
3. This will bring up a window with several tabs. Select the "startup" tab.
4. This is a list of all the programs starting up with your computer.
5. First, locate your anti-virus software out of that list.
6. Then, click on "disable all".
7. Once everything is unchecked, put a check in the box next to the anti-virus software.
8. Click "apply", and then click "OK".
9. Restart your computer.
10. A popup will come up on restart. all you need to do is check the box and click "OK".

Answer Provided by Eric Pettit Desktop Networking Solutions LLC

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