Monday, December 10, 2007

How can I reduce my 2007 taxes _ Retirement planning

Year-end planning for 2007 also involves maximizing annual contributions to your retirement plan accounts, since one year's limit cannot be added to the next year's if not taken in time. While contributions to IRAs may be applied retroactively if made before the filing deadline, an individual's elective deferral contribution made as an employee to a qualified plan must be made before the end of the calendar year.

Maximizing contributions to your retirement plan (or plans) before year end also allows you to reduce your adjusted gross income in direct proportion to those contributions. This in turn can give you the benefit of increasing the deductibility of medical and other deductions subject to adjusted gross income floors.

It is also not too early to think about a Roth IRA conversion plan if your present adjusted gross income is too high under the usual conversion rules. Although the adjusted gross income limit is not lifted until 2010 for a one-year only conversion opportunity, certain year-end maneuvers now can better set you up for maximizing conversion benefits in 2010. For example, if leaving employment, you may want to consider rolling over 401(k) balances to an IRA rather than leaving it in the plans.

Answer Provided By Andrew Taylor, CPA - Haffley, Taylor & Company

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