Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Do you have product or service to sell to the federal government?

Many business owners are interested in selling to the federal government, however this endeavor can be overwhelming. Before you invest time, talent and expenses on pursuing
federal government businesses there are several issues to consider in determining your eligibility.

As a federal contractor, the government requires the following information:
  • Are you eligible under the laws and regulations to do business with the federal government?
  • Do you have adequate financial resources to perform the contract?
  • Do you have a good past performance track record?
  • Do you have corporate records that demonstrate ethics and integrity?
  • Do you have the necessary skills, personnel, and experiences to perform the contract or can you acquire the necessary skills (through subcontracting etc.)?
  • Do you have the necessary facilities and production capacity to deliver the products and/or services required?
  • Can you meet the federal performance schedule or delivery schedule with all the other commitments placed upon your business?
  • Do you have an experienced Contract Administrator with the academic and personal experience in acquisition management on your contract team?

The information and documentation from the questions above are utilized by the federal government to determine if a contractor is eligible to be awarded federal contracts.

For additional assistance with your federal business needs, please feel free to contact BIG FISH CONSULTING – “minnows to marlins” no service request is too small and no contract too big, contact us at boothb.L9600@sbcglobal.net or (765) 243-1782.

Answer provided by Marlin Boothby - Big Fish Consulting

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